4 Method To Let Audiences Cut Four Aces Card Tricks

One of the most impressive magic shows is card magic tricks.

The magician can transform into dozens of extremely attractive and attractive items.

Here I will guide you to do magic with extremely Ace cards.

Method 1: Lapping Cards ( Dispose of cards into lap)

Firstly, prepare four Ace cards and place them at the end of the card.

When shuffling, remember not to shuffle the cards on the bottom.

You continuously peel the cards into blocks.

Then, take one card from each block and put it in the palm of your hand.

Turn over each card and play an Ace card in the first position.

Method 2: Misdirection and Hide Cards

The most important action is to place four Ace cards in the center and use one card to mark the positions of the Aces cards.

After that, you will continue shuffling and placing Aces cards at the top of each block.

Continue taking the first one of the first three blocks and four Aces cards in the last block.

Non-Aces cards are dropped onto a random block of cards before you play down each Ace cards.

Method 3: Muti-lift cards and Hide Cards

Still use one card to mark the positions of the Aces cards and bring them to the top of the deck.

Take turns peeling one card of each block and hand the cards just unfolded behind Aces cards.

Finally, place each Ace card on each block and pull a long streak on the table.

Method 4: Use the illusion of order of cards

Using one card to mark the positions of the Aces cards and bring them to the top of the deck.

Pick up the last block of cards and take up one card of the other three blocks one after another.

Cards picked up are placed behind Ace cards but you will do the same action as if you were at the top of the block you are holding.

Then, you hand out each Ace card down block by block.

Ace cards look so simple but bring us great magic tricks.

However, the movement requires dexterity from the performer, so you need a lot of practice.

Come on, future magicians!

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