Magic is an art that inspires viewers. But behind the successful magic sessions, there are also failures that magicians have encountered. And here I will show you the top 5 failed magic tricks of America’s Got Talent. Why are these top 5 magic tricks that failed America’s Got Talent?
Let’s go through this article to find out why.
Magic in humor
At the beginning of the magic trick, the man gave the judge a plate each. He then hit his head with a fork, much to the surprise of the judges.
Top 5 Funny magic tricks America’s Got Talent
During the performance, he sang and danced to his own rhythm. With that novelty, the audience and judges on the set were very excited. Not only that, the judges came up to the stage to dance with him. He gave five cups and a fire to his head. But I don’t think it’s a magic show because it happens in a very normal way.
Boy with Rubik’s Magic
America’s Got Talent started with a performance by the guy with a rubik’s cube in his hand. This made the judges and the audience very excited. With just a few movements of turning the rubik and throwing it on the boy, he solved it.
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He put a rubik’s cube on the judge’s table and covered it with a black towel, which made the judges very curious. Not only that, this guy solved the rubik’s cube in the hand of the female judge without any rotation.
He invited the judge on stage to perform with him, he gave her a rubik’s cube from behind. When the female judge brought the Rubik’s Cube to the front, it was solved. That made everyone present at the studio stand up and applaud enthusiastically.
An aerial magic show full of adventure
Surely when you watch this performance it will make your heart flutter. Because it is represented on a string that is hung quite high. The boy hung on the rope for the girl to cling to him and performed very flexible curving movements. But what you didn’t expect was that there were bonfires underneath the stage that made everyone in the studio feel scared.
After performing for a while, the girl unfortunately fell to the stage. It made the entire audience and the judges scream with worried faces. This can be considered as one of the most failed performances on America’s Got Talent.
Magic in danger
Magic is an art that gives viewers dramatic performances. This is an art that requires careful practice. And here is a dangerous magic show of a contestant on America’s Got Talent.
He had put a glass jar over his face, his hands were locked by chains. Those outside would pour water into a pitcher placed over his face. His mission is to open all the locks that are locked on his body and even the glass vase in the shortest time.
The guy with the dramatic magic trick
It can be said that America’s Got Talent is a program that converges talents in magic. With mysterious, dramatic, adventurous magic shows, with many different levels of danger. And this is a dramatic magic show by a guy. The instrument this person prepares to perform is a glass barrel on the top of the barrel with two small holes and a deck of cards.
He will first bring the deck down to the judges and the judge will draw a card of his choice. Then he climbed and the jug filled with water and locked securely. Your task is to open the lock on the lid of the jar and find the card that the judge took. It was thought that the task would be impossible to complete, but no, he quickly completed it in the admiration of the entire audience.
So in the above article, we have shared the top 5 failed magic tricks of America’s Got Talent. If you know any other performances of America’s Got Talent, please leave a comment below to share with everyone.
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