Magic Tutorial: Sandwich Card Magic Tricks

Sandwich Card is a very popular genre in card magic. The magician will use a pair of cards to find the card the audience chooses.

There are lots of Sandwich Card magic tricks, but today, I will share with you the simplest and easiest version.

You do not even need to use any skill, you only need to know a basic method in magic, which is called Key Card.

Effect Description:

The magician shuffles the deck and invites the audience to choose a random card from the deck. Then, magician leaves the card in the middle of the deck, the card is completely lost in the middle of the deck.

The magician takes out two cards in the middle of the deck to find a card the audience chooses. Two K cards are taken, one above the top and one at the bottom of the deck.

In just a blink of an eye, when the magician threw away the deck, there was a card between the two K’s that was the card the audience chose.

How to Do:

Step 1:

First, you will shuffle the deck, or to make it better, you can let the audience shuffle the deck as well. Your task is to peek the card at the bottom of the deck, this will be the Key Card used to find the card the audience selects.

Step 2:

You will let the audience choose a card, leave that card on top of the deck, cut the deck, the Key Card will be next to the audience card selected. You can riffle the deck to show that you don’t hold any break.

Step 3:

Then, you will use the excuse of finding a pair of cards to find a card your audience chooses. Those pairs will be the ones with the Key Card. For example, if your Key Card is Q ♥, then you will find more Q ♦.

In this step, when you find a card the audience selects next to the Key Card, you need to use the thumb to hold the card audience selected and pull the Key Card, and cut the card down.

Thus, the card the audience chooses will be at the bottom of the deck and at the same time you will get the cards Q ♥ and Q ♦.

Step 4:

As a final step, you only need to leave Q ♥ and Q ♦ at the top and bottom of the deck. The card at the bottom will move sideways, so your finger will be able to touch the card the audience chooses.

You just need to hold the deck with your right hand, toss it to your left hand, when you toss the deck, you just hold three cards your fingers touch, so you get the audience’s card between Q ♥ and Q ♦.

This is a really simple and easy to cards trick, the effect of this magic trick is also great, it may surprise your audience. To enhance the effect of the magic trick, you can have the audience sign a signature on the card they choice.

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