The tricks seem to be difficult. But actually they are not as difficult as you think. Watch and apply the tricks we reveal to you. And you will find that they are easy to do. In this article, we will reveal to you an extremely simple trick “trick cards from 4 kings 4 queens”.
Please see the full article below to do this trick.

Get ready 8 magic cards. In it, please pay attention to choose the cards so that 4 cards are king, and 4 cards are queen. Then arrange with 4 cards of the king in ascending order, from the smallest value to the largest value.
Similarly, sort by ascending value of the queen’s cards. Then take a deep breath to confidently perform this trick.
8 card trick trick
In two hands you are holding 4 king cards and 4 queen cards. Please double check that. The cards in your hand are in the correct order and without any problems.
Next, combine all the cards. Then use the staggered top-down technique. Let’s start with the first card below, the next card will be above. Do this action until we have 4 top cards and 4 bottom cards. Combine the 4 top cards, take them out and place them all on top.

Repeat the same action in the order of top before bottom. Continue to take the 4 cards at the top take them out and place them on top. After that, we continue to perform the 3rd action. But this time let’s take the top 4 cards and place them below the bottom of the other cards.
And then, repeat them in 2 parts. Apply to your left first and then to the right. Spread them until you run out of cards in your hand.
Take the cards to your right, turn them over.

It doesn’t matter if it’s the first king or first queen cards, because you did the right thing.
For the cards on the left, you repeat the action from left to right. Continue to open your right card. At this point, if your card initially appears the queen first. Their sequence will be the largest queen – Little King – Smallest King – and eventually will be the smallest queen. It’s new, isn’t it?
In fact, these are tricks that are applied according to certain rules. It can be said that they are applied mathematical formulas to be formed and give the most accurate results. You will never be disappointed when you get in touch and try out these fun tricks.
Thus, in the above article, we have shared information and how to perform trick cards of 4 kings and 4 queens. If you know any more interesting tricks. Please leave a comment below to share with everyone.
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